The future of one of Placer County’s recreational jewels has been secured through the efforts of Chairwoman Montgomery as well as many local, State and Federal partners, when the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and California State Parks agreed to a deal that will guarantee funding to maintain the Auburn State Recreation area for the next 25 years.
The deal, the result of collaboration between many jurisdictions and agencies and private organizations and individuals, including Placer County, will ensure that law enforcement, visitor services, and maintenance for the 30,000-acre park continue. With state funding uncertain, the possibility loomed that access to the much-used area could have been reduced or eliminated.
“This agreement, and the hard work that it took to achieve it, will ensure that recreational activities remain available for the hundreds of thousands of visitors who use the area each year,” said Placer County Supervisors Chairwoman Jennifer Montgomery, whose 5th District encompasses the Auburn State Recreation Area. “The area is used by hikers, runners, equestrians, bicyclists, hunters many others throughout the year. It was critical that we maintained access to this area.”
The agreement also includes 20,000 acres in the Folsom State Recreation area, which will guarantee public access to almost 80 square miles of recreation area for local residents and visitors alike.
An event to celebrate the signing of the agreement was held earlier this week and was attended by area representatives, including Supervisor Montgomery, Auburn City Council Member Mike Holmes, Placer County Supervisor Jim Holmes, State Senator Ted Gaines, Congressman Tom McClintock, Congressman Dan Lungren, State Parks’ Northern Division Chief Scott Nakaji; State Parks Director Ruth Coleman; Bureau of Reclamation Mid-Pacific Regional Director Don Glaser, and representatives from the offices of State Senator Dough LaMalfa, and Congresswoman Doris Matsui.