Rocklin & Auburn Residents Receive Scholarships
Auburn, Calif. – Two local members of the community, Lauren DeGruccio, a graduate of Nevada Union High School and Tara Bain-Sorensen, a graduate of Victory Independent in Rocklin, have been selected to each receive a $1,000 scholarship through the April Moore Memorial Scholarship Program.
DeGrucio is a recent 2017 graduate from Nevada Union High School in Grass Valley, CA. She plans to continue her education at San Jose State studying biochemistry with the hopes of pursuing graduate studies in Pharmacology. She is a member of the Navajo Nation and looks forward to using her education to give back to her community.
Bain-Sorensen, a member of the Cherokee Tribe, graduated from Victory Independent in Rocklin, CA and attended Sacramento City College to become a Licensed Vocational Nurse. Bain-Sorensen has been working as a local school Nurse, and was recently accepted into Butte College’s LVN to RN program. She is excited to follow through with the next step of her education to become a Registered Nurse and hopes to give back to the American Indian Community as an RN and Health Educator.
“We are very excited and honored to be able to offer a scholarship that is benefitting two very deserving young women” says Lisa Davies, Chief Executive Office of Chapa-De Indian Health. “This scholarship is fitting because April dedicated her life to help advance American Indian people especially in health and education, and this year, we felt as if these two exemplary women would do the same through their education.”
The April Moore Memorial Scholarship was established in 2016 to honor Chapa-De’s long-time Board President April Moore, who dedicated her life to advancing American Indian people and served on the Chapa-De Board of Directors for 26 years. The scholarship is available to American Indian or Alaska Native students who plan to pursue a career in healthcare and attended a high school in Placer, Nevada, Sacramento or Sierra Counties in California. The applicants must be a graduating high school senior, or a college student with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better.
Additional information about Chapa-De and their scholarship opportunities is available by calling 530-887-2800.