Auburn, Calif – Lincoln area rancher and former county supervisor Alex Ferreira was named Thursday (Dec. 15) as 2006 chairman of the Placer County Water Agency Board of Directors.
Ferreira succeeds Pauline Roccucci, District 1, of Roseville, who served as 2005 board chair. District 3 Director Lowell Jarvis of Auburn will serve as vice chairman for 2006.
The PCWA chairmanship is rotated among the five elected directors. Also serving on the board are District 4 Director Mike Lee of Loomis and District 5 Director Otis Wollan of Colfax.
Ferreira, who has been the District 2 representative on the PCWA board since 1998, has a long history of public service. He served on the board of the Nevada Irrigation District in the 1960s before winning election to the Placer County Board of Supervisors in 1970. He served for 24 years as a county supervisor.
In other business, directors:
- agreed to change meeting time for their regular board meetings from 3 p.m. to 2 p.m. on the first and third Thursday of each month. The regular meetings will continue to be held in the Placer County Board of Supervisors chambers, 175 Fulweiler Avenue, in Auburn.
- recognized Director Mike Lee for five years of service on the PCWA board. Like Ferreira, Lee is a former county supervisor. He served 16 years, from 1972-88, on the Board of Supervisors.
- adopted an updated Urban Water Management Plan and authorized staff to submit the plan to the state Department of Water Resources. The plan evaluates water supply and demand and must be updated every five years.
- authorized a water supply analysis letter to the City of Rocklin saying that sufficient water is available to supply the proposed 558-unit Clover Valley subdivision off Sierra College Blvd. The letter does not commit the agency to providing service; it states water is available if other conditions are met when water connection charges are paid.
- heard a briefing from staff on a 2.5 percent increase in Water Connection Charge (WCC) for new treated water service, effective Jan. 1. The total WCC for a standard residential connection in Zone 1 will rise to $11,373 in 2006. The board adopted a new WCC earlier this year and allowed for inflationary adjustments each January.
PCWA board meetings are open to the public.