Placer County Sheriff”s Detectives and the Federal Bureau of Investigations Houston Field Office have arrested an Alice Texas woman for several counts of fraud. The suspect, Belinda Ramirez, 26 years old, was taken into custody at a hotel in Beeville Texas at about 8:00 AM on 21 May 2008. Placer County Detectives began the investigation on May 20th after a victim contacted detectives.
The suspect contacted several adoption agencies in California claiming to be pregnant and supplying the agencies with documentation supporting her claim. The suspect was put in contact with citizens who have been waiting for a child. The suspect asked for monetary expenses to be covered and the victims forwarded these funds to her. Victims in Placer County flew to San Antonio to be present for the birth of the child only to find that they had been defrauded. Another victim was due to fly to San Antonio on May 21st but they were contacted by The Placer County Sheriff’s Department and advised of the scheme.
Placer County Detectives and the FBI arranged for what the suspect thought would be a delivering of the birthing expense money. When the suspect arrived to pick up the money she was taken into custody. During the arrest it was determined that other potential victims may have been contacted by the suspect.
The suspect has been taken to jail in Corpus Christi, Texas where she is currently held without bail. She will be prosecuted by Federal Authorities.
For additional information please contact Detective Jim Hudson at (530) 308-1364 or The FBI Field Office at 713-693-5000.