The United Auburn Indian Community (UAIC) announced hat it has awarded over $86,000 to community based organizations in Placer County.
Among the organizations selected for funding are CASA of Placer County, PRIDE Industries, Boys & Girls Club of Placer County, Sierra College Foundation, Planned Parenthood, Auburn Elementary School, Senior Life Center and more.
“The United Auburn Indian Community is proud to have the ability to invest in our local communities,” said Gene Whitehouse, Chairman of UAIC. “As always, strong consideration was given to the educational needs of our community. The Tribe hopes these donations can greatly enhance each organization’s ability to better serve Placer County.”
The UAIC Community Giving Committee focuses its yearly grants on educational programs and social service organizations whose work significantly impacts struggling and underserved persons and families. During this most recent round of giving, funding was provided to support food pantries, housing programs for the mentally ill, increased school supplies and clothing for low income children and the improvement of local library projects.
Over the course of nine years, the UAIC Community Giving Program has awarded over $9 million to nonprofit organizations supporting needs in education, health, arts and humanities, environment, community development and social services. The Community Giving Program is led by Chair Bob Cayton with members Josef Fore, Doug Rey and Janessa Starkey and has been active since 2004.
List of recently funded organizations detailed below:
- CASA of Placer County
- PRIDE Industries
- Adventist Community Services
- The Assistance League of Placer County
- Placer ARC
- Sierra College foundation
- Friends of ARD (Auburn Recreation Department)
- Golden Sierra Life Skills
- Planned Parenthood (School Education Programs)
- Rock Creek elementary School – Rocklin
- Sierra Forever Families – PlacerKids
- Friends of the Colfax Library
- Boys & Girls Club of Placer County
- St. Vincent de Paul Society
- Advocates for Mentally Ill Housing
- Sierra Vista Community Center
- Placer PAL
- Skyridge Elementary School
- Auburn Elementary School
- Senior Life Center
The United Auburn Indian Community created the Community Giving Program in 2004 and owns and operates the successful Thunder Valley Casino Resort. A federally recognized Indian tribe, the United Auburn Indian Community is a sovereign government, making the establishment of its philanthropic fund even more unique. The Tribe receives no tax advantage for making a charitable contribution to any group. Since its inception, the Community Giving Program has provided over $9 million to nonprofit organizations supporting needs in education, health, arts and humanities, environment, community development and social services.