Lincoln, Calif. – The United Auburn Indian Community (UAIC) and Placer County announced today the distribution of $66,500 to support numerous organizations and departments in Placer County.
The decision was reached by the Indian Gaming Local Community Benefit Committee (IGLCBC) after applications were reviewed. The IGLCBC was set up in 2005 to help offset impacts associated with Indian gaming with the intent of identifying areas of need from UAIC’s gaming revenue.
The projects being funded by the committee include:
- Placer County Sherriff’s Office – $10,300 for a special camera that can be slid under a door and broadcast to a wrist monitor with a range of up to 100 feet
- The Lincoln Youth Center operated by the Lincoln Police Activities League – $8,000 to hire part-time personnel to keep the facility open throughout the summer.
- Lincoln Fire Department – $7,132 for special light-weight nozzles and hoses for high-rise building firefighting equipment
- Placer County Probation Department – $6,106 for seven ipads for probation officers to increase efficiency in the field
- Lincoln Public Library – $5,980 for online job search services
- Placer County Adult System of Care – $12,600 for screening and treatment for various addition problems. Funds will pay for at least two beds for inpatient recovery care
- Placer County District Attorney’s Sexual Assault Response Team – $7,875 for sexual assault examiner training
- Rocklin Police Department – $8,500 for upgraded computer equipment to investigate and prosecute identity theft and other high tech fraud-related crimes.
“The UAIC is proud to make this contribution to help these organizations and departments in Placer County,” said David Keyser, Chairman of the UAIC. “This contribution is targeted to areas where it will make the most significant difference and assist departments with unique projects and responsibilities.”
Members of the committee include representatives from the Placer County Board of Supervisors, the City Councils of Lincoln, Rocklin and Roseville and the United Auburn Indian Community. Current committee members are United Auburn Indian Community Chairman David Keyser and Secretary Gene Whitehouse, Placer County Supervisors Robert Weygandt and Jim Holmes, Lincoln Mayor Spencer Short, Rocklin Councilmember Diana Ruslin, and Roseville Mayor Pauline Roccucci.
The reestablishment of the United Auburn Indian Tribe began in the early 1990s when the Department of Interior documented the existence of a separate, cohesive band of Maidu and Miwok Indians, occupying a village on the outskirts of the City of Auburn in Placer County. A federally recognized Indian tribe, the United Auburn Indian Community is a sovereign government and owns nearby Thunder Valley Casino Resort.