The City of Rocklin and the surrounding communities have experienced a recent increase in residential burglary activity. During a recent 120 day period (September 1, 2011 – December 31, 2011), Rocklin experienced 60 residential burglaries.
In addition, the County of Placer (Granite Bay/ Loomis) and the cities of Folsom and Citrus Heights have seen an increase in residential burglaries with a modus operandi similar to those in Rocklin (i.e. front “door kick”, and rear sliding door “window smash”). Granite Bay recently had 28 door kick entries that are actively being investigated.
Please be alert and aware of suspicious people and vehicles in your neighborhood. If you observe suspicious activity or an actual crime in progress, please contact the Rocklin Police Department immediately by using the numbers listed below:
Emergencies: 9-1-1
Non-Emergencies: (916) 625-5400