Roseville Calif.- A Touch of Understanding (ATOU) is proud to announce that they are the recipient of a United Auburn Indian Community Giving Grant in the amount of $5000.
“Funding from the United Auburn Indian Community Giving Program will allow 145 Placer County students to participate in this character-building program. Title 1 schools, which have the highest student concentrations of poverty, will be given first opportunity to schedule the workshop. We are extremely grateful to the United Auburn Indian Community Giving Program. This grant will allow more children to experience A Touch of Understanding during the 2014-2015 school year,” stated DeDora.
A Touch of Understanding
A Touch of Understanding (ATOU) provides disability awareness programs designed to educate a new generation to understand the challenges associated with disabilities and to accept and respect all individuals. ATOU is a 501 (c) 3 tax exempt nonprofit organization comprised of dedicated individuals, some with disabilities and some without, who come together to form a strong team working to help students look beyond the disability, the wheelchair or the braces, and see the person. To learn more about ATOU visit
United Auburn Indian Community Giving Program
The UAIC Community Giving Program-the philanthropic branch of tribal government established by the Tribal Council in 2004 – has provided over $10 million to non-profit organizations supporting needs in education, health, arts and humanities, environment, community development and social services. Five Tribal members constitute the Community Giving Committee, which is charged with the responsibility of developing and implementing a structured program to achieve the Tribe’s philanthropic mission.