AUBURN – Financial assistance grants to three water districts were approved Thursday (May 1) by the Placer County Water Agency Board of Directors.
PCWA Vice-Chairman and District 5 Director Otis Wollan and District 1 Director Gray Allen, with agency staff reviewed eight grant requests. The Committee’s recommendation to the agency Board total $35,000.
The individual grants approved by the Board for 2008 are:
$10,000 to the North Tahoe Public Utility District for a study of alternate water treatment technologies for the Dollar Cove area.
$10,000 to the Sierra Lakes County Water District on Donner Summit for a 1970-2000 water supply analysis to provide baseline data for future planning.
$15,000 to the Foresthill Public Utility District on the western slope for drought contingency planning.
The Committee also recommended and the PCWA board authorized staff support and collaboration to water resource related planning projects being pursued by the Squaw Valley Public Service District and the Tahoe City Public Utility District.
Since 1993, PCWA has granted more than $1.2 million to local water purveyors in Placer County under the agency’s Financial Assistance Program.