Auburn, Calif. – The state Department of Water Resources (DWR) is recommending a $997,500 grant to the Placer County Water Agency (PCWA) and Nevada Irrigation District (NID) for water system reliability improvements in Placer and Nevada counties.
The funding is expected to win approval from the State Water Board and comes from Prop. 84 – the Safe Drinking Water, Water Quality and Supply, Flood Control, River and Coastal Protection Bond Act – passed by state voters in 2006.
In a joint news release, PCWA and NID said the grant funding would significantly benefit the North Auburn area where both water suppliers have facilities.
NID Assistant General Manager Tim Crough said connection of NID and PCWA treated water systems through two new system interties will provide increased water system reliability and fire flow for both.
The Locksley Lane Intertie will connect the PCWA treated water system at the Auburn Airport Industrial Park to the NID system on Locksley Lane. The Mt. Vernon Intertie will connect PCWA and NID systems on Mt. Vernon Road, near Millertown Road. The work is anticipated to begin in 2014. “Projects such as these that improve water system reliability are an important part of our capital improvement program. We are very pleased with DWR’s recommendation to fund these projects,” said Brent Smith, Deputy Director of Technical Services at PCWA.