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Auburn, Calif.- Every year since 1991 the Placer County Water Agency has printed and mailed water quality reports to customers who are supplied with treated drinking water.

Beginning this year, PCWA will deliver the reports electronically.Β  In an update Thursday (Apr. 4) to the PCWA Board of Directors, Director of Customer Services Matt Young said the update will save an estimated $20,000 per year in production and mailing costs.

PCWA is making the change under new guidelines issued by the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and California Department of Public Health, which regulate water quality in the nation and state.

Under the new procedure, customer water bills (mail and electronic) will carry a direct electronic link to the appropriate water quality report.

PCWA operates eight treated water systems and, as required by law, prepares an annual report for each.  The reports, which summarize water quality testing programs for the previous year, will continue to be distributed each spring.

In other business, PCWA directors:

  • heard an update from Director of Technical Services Brian Martin on the agency’s program that assists neighborhoods with water system improvements through the formation of local improvement districts.Β  Martin said 15 improvement districts have been formed and others are in planning.
  • endorsed the Next Economy Regional Prosperity Plan, which lays out a vision for future economic development in the six-county capital region.Β Β  The action follows a Mar. 7 presentation to the board by former state assemblyman and current president of the Sacramento Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce Roger Niello.
  • welcomed Jessica Hubbard, philanthropic services manager for the Placer Community Foundation, who announced the foundation’s 2013 Placer County Nonprofit Leadership Summit on May 9, of which PCWA is a cosponsor.Β The event is scheduled from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Orchard Creek Lodge, Sun City, Lincoln.

Β PCWA board meetings are open to the public.

Information on PCWA board meetings may be obtained through the Clerk to the Board at (530) 823-4850 or (800) 464-0030.

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