Recently, I featured 43-year-old New Jerseyan Dorothy Smaniotto, who has antiphosopholipid syndrome (APS), also called “sticky blood disease.” In 2008, due to APS, she had two disabling strokes and a heart attack before doctors could figure out what was wrong. Later that year, she had a hysterectomy and double mastectomy due to an unrelated condition.
What I didn’t mention then was that her 14-year-old son has Asperger’s syndrome, a mild form of autism. Interest in Asperger’s reached fever pitch recently when news outlets revealed Connecticut slayer Lanza had Asperger’s syndrome. Speaking as a licensed professional counselor, I can say without doubt those school children didn’t die because of Lanza having Asperger’s syndrome.
Smaniotto said in a telephone interview her son had been precocious as a toddler, even to the point of speaking clear words at age six months, knowing the makes and models of cars at 18 months, and reading books at age two.
She said, “Alex was diagnosed in first grade because he had such fixations on certain items, and external noise and classroom lighting bothered him. We were scared to death when we found out he had (Asperger’s). We didn’t know anything about it.”
A National Institutes of Health website explains Asperger’s is characterized by “social impairment, communication difficulties, and restrictive, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of behavior.” The social impairment may involve lack of eye contact and facial expression, and a difficulty maintaining relationships and having back and forth communication. Sometimes, like Alex, people with Asperger’s have very high IQs.
Smaniotto said her son in third grade was mistakenly accused of doing something wrong by two school workers and was harshly brought down to the ground. Alex didn’t understand what was happening, sustained bruising, and had an asthma attack. That was the last day he set foot in the public school.
“So we took him to a private school,” said Smaniotto. “He loves it there and just started ninth grade. His whole personality has blossomed. As for a (work) career, Alex wants to be a neurologist because of everything that has happened to me.”
She added, “I love everything about Alex. Everyone knowing him will tell you he’s a very loving and caring child. He loves animals, Legos, online games, and the Philadelphia Phillies.” Smaniotto advised parents of children with Asperger’s to keep working for their child’s best interests, especially at school.